
O-Care, located at Het Sterrenbeeld 23, 's-Hertogenbosch, is responsible for the processing of personal data, like written in this privacy policy.

Contact details

Het Sterrenbeeld 23, 5215 MK ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
Roel Fassbender is the Official Data Protection of O-Care. You can contact him by sending an e-mail to

Personal data that we process

O-Care processes your personal data because you use our services and/ore because you provide us your data. Below you can find an overview of the personal data that we process:
- First and last name
- Email address
- Telephone Number
- Data about your activities on our website
- Data about your browsing behaviour on different website (for example because this company is part of an advertisement network)

Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process

Our website and/or service doesn't have the intention to collect data of website visitors that are younger that 16 years old. Unless they have permission of their parents or guardian. However, we cannot check if a visitor is older than 16 years old. We advise parents to stay concerned about the online activities of their childer, to avoid data to be collected without parental permission. If you are conviced that we collected personal data of a minor without permission, please contact us at, then we remove this information.

The goal of processing your personal data

O-Care processes your personal data for the following goals:
- To call or email you, in case this is necessary to carry out our services.
- O-Care analyses your behaviour on the website to improve the website and ultimately adjust the offer of products and services to your preferences.

Automated decision making

Based on automated processing, O-Care makes decisions that will have (substantial) consequences on persons. By this, we mean decision that will be taken by computer software or -tools, without an actual human being (for example a collaborator of O-Care) part of the process.

How long we save personal data

O-Care saves your personal data for not longer that strictly necessary to reach the goals why your data gets collected.

Sharing your personal data to third-parties

O-Care shares your personal data with third-parties if this necessary to carry out the agreement and to meet any legal obligation. With companies that process your data, because we gave them the assignment, we seal a processors deal to reach the same level of security and confidentiality. O-Care remains responsible for these processes. Besides of this, O-Care shares your personal data with other third-parties. We only do this with your emphatic permission.

Cookies, or similar techniques, we use

O-Care only uses technical and functional cookies, and analytical cookies that don't cause any infringement with your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that will be saved during your first visit on this website, on your computer, tablet or smartphone. The cookies that we use are necessary to the technical processing of the website and the user experience. Cookies ensure that your website works as inted and remembers, for example, your prefered settings. Also, with cookies, we can optimise our website. You can sign out for cookies by adjusting your internet browser so that it doesn't save cookies anymore. On top of this, you could also remove previous saved cookies in the settings of your browser.

Checking, editing or removing data

You have the right to check your personal data, to edit it or to remove it. Besides this, you have the right to withdraw your permission for data processing, object against the fact that O-Care processes your data or get your data transfered to you. This means that you can request us to send you, or a specific organisation, a computer file with all the saved personal data we have about you or your organisation. You can request an insight, correction, removal or file transfer by sending an e-mail to To be sure that your request has been made by you, we will ask you to send a copy of your identification, including your passport photo. To protect your privacy, MRZ (Machine Readable Zone), passport number and paspoortnummer en BSN should be shown in black. We reply as soon as possible (at least within 4 weeks) on your request. Last but not least, you could always file a complaint at the national supervisor, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. This is possible after clicking the following link:

How we secure personal data

O-Care takes the security of your data seriously and will take appropriate actions to counter abuse, loss, unauthorised permission, unwanted disclose and unauthorised changes. If you get the idea that your data aren't saved in a secure way or you experience indications of abuse, please contact us via our live chat or via