How to Drain a Hot Tub: The Ultimate Expert Guide

Published on

June 21, 2023

Are you looking to learn how to drain a hot tub? Regular maintenance is key to keeping your hot tub in tip-top shape and this includes draining and cleaning the water inside.

This guide will provide an overview of the steps involved in draining and cleaning your hot tub. From prep work to using the correct tools, we've got it all covered. We will also discuss the benefits of regular hot tub maintenance and why it's so important for residential and professional hot tub owners. So let’s get started!

Proper Hot Tub Draining: Why It's Important

Proper Hot Tub Draining: Why It's Important
Proper Hot Tub Draining: Why It's Important

Maintaining a hot tub is important to keep it running at its best. Regular draining and refilling are essential for proper spa water maintenance. With regular draining and refilling, you can ensure that:

  • Your typical hot tub runs more efficiently.
  • Scale build-up is minimized.
  • The spa's lifespan is extended.
  • You get better health outcomes.

When a hot tub isn't properly drained and refilled regularly, bacteria and other contaminants begin to grow in it and they can be hazardous to your health. You should avoid this build-up as it puts users at risk for potential skin irritations or infections.

Not changing the water regularly can lead to the hot tub using more energy and may also cause damage to the equipment.

It is important to note that the benefits of a properly drained and refilled hot tub extend beyond health reasons. Taking regular baths in hot water has long been associated with improved wellness. Soaking in warm water helps muscles relax and reduce stress levels. This is why hot spring spas are becoming more popular. 

Properly draining and refilling your hot tub ensures you are bathing in clean and safe water every time, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of a relaxing soak without putting yourself at risk.

When To Drain Your Hot Tub?

If you’ve been using your hot tub regularly, draining and cleaning it every three months is recommended. This will help keep the water clear of debris and bacteria that naturally accumulates over time. It's also important to check the pH levels of your spa water every month or so. If these levels are off-balance, it can lead to cloudy water and skin irritation.

It’s also a good idea to drain your hot tub if you know someone has been sick in the tub or suspect something might be causing an imbalance. This will help prevent germs from spreading and affecting other users.

In some cases, draining may even be necessary if there is a problem with the pump or filter system.

How Often Should I Drain My Hot Tub?

If you plan on using your hot tub every day or multiple times per week, we recommend draining the water out after about five days. This will ensure your hot tub is free of contaminants and left in pristine condition.

If you use your hot tub only once a week, it’s best to let the water cycle through the spa filters before draining it out every two weeks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Draining Your Hot Tub

Step-by-Step Guide to Draining Your Hot Tub
Step-by-Step Guide to Draining Your Hot Tub

Draining your hot tub is easy, but you must follow some easy steps before and after the process to maintain your spa clean. Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Turn off the power to your hot tub.

Turning off the power to your hot tub is an important step in draining and cleaning it. This will ensure that you don't get injured or cause any damage due to electrical shock.

To turn off the power, locate the circuit breaker for your hot tub and switch it to the "Off" position. Once the circuit break is switched, the power to your hot tub is fully disconnected.

You should always complete this step before draining and cleaning your hot tub.

Step 2: Gather your tools and supplies.

Before you start draining your hot tub, have the necessary tools and supplies on hand.

This table lists the main tools you need to drain your spa correctly.

Tool Why you need it What to look for
Garden hose To add fresh water to the hot tub to help flush out any contaminants in the plumbing lines. It should be long enough to reach from the spigot outside to the drain valve of your hot tub.
Submersible pump To drain your hot tub quickly or if you don't have access to a drainage point at a lower level than your hot tub. It should be powerful enough to remove the water from your hot tub easily.
Drainage hose
(as an alternative to the submersible pump)
To remove the water from the hot tub and direct it to a suitable location, such as a drain or an outdoor area where You can safely release the water. It should fit securely into the spa drain valve.

Step 3: Drain the water from the hot tub.

You can drain the water out of your spa by using a gravity drain or a submersible pump. Either way, first, it is essential to flush the pipes in advance.

Flushing the Pipes

Flushing the pipes is essential because bacteria, algae, and other contaminants can build up in your hot tub plumbing lines over time. These contaminants can cause unpleasant odors and even pose health risks. If the water is not properly flushed out, these contaminants can remain in the plumbing lines and contaminate the new water when it is refilled. Here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Remove the hot tub cover and locate the drain plug or drain valve at the bottom of the spa.
  2. Attach a garden hose to the hot tub drain valve and route it to a suitable drain or outdoor area where You can release the water safely.
  3. Turn on the hose and let the water run through the hot tub for several minutes to flush out any loose debris and contaminants from the plumbing lines.
  4. Once the water from the hot tub appears clear, turn off the hose and let the remaining water drain through the valve or take it out using a submersible pump.

Using a Submersible Pump

You may need to use a submersible pump to drain your hot tub if you need to do so quickly or if you don't have access to a gravity drain that is lower than the level of the hot tub.

If you have a large hot tub, it can take a long time to drain the water using a gravity drain, especially if the drain is far away from the hot tub. In this case, a submersible pump can help you to remove the water more quickly and efficiently.

If the hot tub is located in an area with no natural slope to help gravity drain the water, a submersible pump may be necessary to remove the water effectively.

Here are the steps you need to take to drain your spa using a submersible pump:

  1. Assemble the submersible pump according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Place the pump in the hot tub and attach a drainage hose to the pump's outlet port.
  3. Run the drainage hose to a suitable location where the water can safely be released.
  4. Ensure the pump is fully submerged in the water and turn it on.
  5. Let the pump run until all the water has been removed from the hot tub.

Using a Gravity Drain

Here are the steps you need to take to drain your spa using a gravity drain:

  1. Remove the hot tub cover and locate the drain valve at the bottom of the hot tub.
  2. Attach a drainage hose to the valve and route it to a suitable drain or outdoor area where the water can safely be released.
  3. Open the drain valve and allow the water to flow from the hot tub.
  4. If the water does not drain quickly enough, you can elevate one end of the hot tub slightly to create a slope that will help the water to flow towards the drain.
  5. Let the water drain completely from the hot tub.

Step 4: Clean and sanitize the hot tub.

Clean and sanitize the hot tub
Clean and sanitize the hot tub

After draining your hot tub, cleaning and sanitizing it before refilling it with fresh water is important. This is because even if the water in your hot tub appeared clean and clear before you drain it , there might still be contaminants in the plumbing lines and on the hot tub's surfaces that can pose a health risk if they are not properly cleaned and sanitized.

Here are some reasons why cleaning and sanitizing your hot tub after draining it is important: 

  • Bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms can grow in the plumbing lines and on the hot tub's surfaces. These contaminants can cause illness if they are not properly cleaned and sanitized.
  • Residues from lotions, oils, and other personal care products can build up on the hot tub's surfaces, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • Dirt, debris, and other particles can accumulate in the hot tub over time, creating an unsanitary environment.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific hot tub model to clean and sanitize your hot tub after draining it. This usually involves scrubbing the hot tub's surfaces with a mild cleanser or hot tub-specific cleaner and then using a sanitizer to kill any remaining bacteria and other microorganisms. 

O-Care Can Help

To avoid sediment build-up in the future, you can use mineral products for your hot tub water, such as O-Care. O-Care protects against sediment build-up and helps you sanitize your spa water using fewer chemicals. This way, you can reduce the amount of sanitizer you use by around 78%. As a result, you will be able to reduce the unpleasant chlorine smell in the water and on your skin after bathing. You can find our product here.

Cleaning the Filters

In addition to cleaning and sanitizing the hot tub, it is also important to clean the filters. Hot tub filters can become clogged with debris and bacteria over time, reducing their effectiveness and potentially contributing to a build-up of harmful contaminants in the hot tub. Cleaning the filters regularly can help keep your hot tub clean and safe.

To clean the filters, remove them from the hot tub and rinse them thoroughly with a hose to remove any debris. You may also need to soak the filters in a cleaning solution to remove stubborn build-up. Following the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your hot tub filters is important to ensure they are properly cleaned and maintained.

Step 5: Refill the hot tub and restart the power.

Once you have sanitized and cleaned your hot tub filters, you can refill your spa and restart the power. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Make sure the drain plug and drain valve are securely closed.
  2. If you have a submersible pump, disconnect it from the power source and remove it from the hot tub.
  3. Attach a garden hose to the hot tub's fill spout, and ensure the other end of the hose is connected to a source of clean water.
  4. Turn on the water source and slowly fill the hot tub with water. Be careful not to overfill it, as this can cause water to spill out when people get in the hot tub.
  5. Once the hot tub is filled to the appropriate level, turn off the water source and remove the garden hose.
  6. Replace the hot tub cover and plug in the power source to restart the system.
  7. Turn on the power to the hot tub and ensure that all the jets, lights, and other features are working properly.
  8. Allow the hot tub to circulate the water for at least 30 minutes to ensure that the sanitizer has fully dissolved and that the water is evenly distributed.
  9. Test the water with a water testing kit to ensure the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels are within the recommended range. Adjust as needed to maintain a safe and comfortable environment.

Hot Tub Draining Troubleshooting

Hot Tub Draining Troubleshooting
Hot Tub Draining Troubleshooting

This table illustrates some common issues that may arise during the hot tub draining process and some troubleshooting tips to help resolve them.

Problem Solution
Drain plug or valve is leaking. Try tightening it with a wrench or pliers. If this does not resolve the issue, you may need to replace the plug or valve.
Water is not draining or draining slowly. Check to ensure the drain plug or valve is fully open. If it is open and the water is still not draining, try using a submersible pump to speed up the process. You may also need to clear any clogs or debris from the plumbing lines.
Air is getting into the plumbing lines. This can cause the hot tub to drain slowly or unevenly. Try turning off the power to the hot tub, disconnecting the pump, and opening the drain valve to allow any trapped air to escape before draining the water.
The drainage hose is clogged. Use a plumbing snake or wire hanger to clear any debris or build-up. You may also need to disconnect the hose from the hot tub and rinse it ou.
The submersible pump is not working. Ensure that it is correctly connected to a power source and that the hose is securely attached to the pump. If the pump is still not working, it may be damaged and must be replaced.
Water is overflowing. Turn off the water source and remove some water from the hot tub to restore the water level. This may also indicate that the hot tub is overfilled or that there is a clog in the drainage system.

Conclusion: Draining Your Hot Tub is Easy with the Right Tools, and Knowledge

Draining Your Hot Tub is Easy with the Right Tools, and Knowledge

Hot tubs are an important investment that requires regular maintenance. Draining your hot tub is an essential part of this process, and you can easily do it with the right tools and knowledge. Following the steps outlined above, you can properly drain and refill your hot tub quickly! So don't wait — start draining your hot tub regularly today and keep it clean and in top condition. Your body will thank you!

The health benefits associated with regular hot water bathing are well-documented. Don’t forget to take advantage of them by caring for your hot tub properly. Cleaning and draining your hot tub regularly can help you stay healthy and enjoy the benefits of hot water bathing for years to come.

If you need assistance keeping your hot tub water clean and safe, you can download the O-Care app or talk to our virtual assistant. Happy Soaking!

FAQs about draining a hot tub

1. Can I reuse the drained water for other purposes?

Reusing the drained spa water for other purposes is generally not recommended. It may contain bacteria, oils, and chemicals that could harm plants, animals, and humans. Spa water often contains higher levels of chemicals such as chlorine or bromine than hot tub water.

If you are looking for ways to reduce water waste, there are other methods you can consider. These methods include using a cover to reduce evaporation and minimize the need for refilling, regularly cleaning, and maintaining your filters to keep the water clean and clear.

If you decide to reuse the drained spa water for other purposes, test the water quality. In addition, treat it with appropriate chemicals as needed to ensure it is safe for the intended use.

2. Can You Drain Hot Tub Water on Grass?

We don’t recommend draining hot tub water onto the grass. The water can contain chemicals, such as chlorine or bromine, that may harm the grass, soil, and plants. These chemicals can also contribute to water pollution and harm aquatic life if the water runs off into nearby bodies of water.

Draining large volumes of water onto the grass can saturate the soil and create muddy conditions. This can damage the grass and create breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other pests.

If you must drain your hot tub onto the grass, you can reduce the risk of damage. Dilute the water with fresh water or allow it to run slowly over a longer period to avoid over-saturating the soil.

3. How long does it take to drain a hot tub?

The time it takes to drain a hot tub can vary depending on a few factors. These factors include the size of the tub, the flow rate of the drain, and whether you are using a submersible pump or gravity drain.

On average, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to drain a hot tub completely. Using a submersible pump can often speed up the process. These pumps are designed to pump out large volumes of water quickly.

If you are draining the hot tub for the first time, it may take longer to flush out the plumbing lines and ensure that all the water is removed. It is important to take the time to fully drain the hot tub to avoid any issues with standing water, mold, or other damage.

4. Can I drain my hot tub into the sewer?

In general, it is safe to drain your hot tub into the sewer system. Still, you should check with your local authorities first to ensure it is allowed in your area. Some municipalities may have specific regulations or requirements for draining hot tubs or large volumes of water into the sewer.

If you are permitted to drain your hot tub into the sewer, it is recommended to use a clean-out port. This is a special access point in the sewer line that allows for easy draining and prevents any damage to your plumbing system. 

It is important to avoid draining your hot tub directly into a storm drain or bodies of water, as this can contribute to water pollution and harm aquatic life.