Different Sanitizers for Hot Tubs - All You need to Know

If you own a hot tub, you know that keeping the water clean and safe is essential for a relaxing experience. We started out as hot tub owners and sellers before launching O-Care. So we understand the complexities of the various chemicals out there. There are many different sanitizers available on the market, but which one is the best hot tub sanitizer for you?

Chlorine and bromine sanitizers are two of the most popular but have drawbacks. That's what makes O-care spa care different, by neutralizing the downsides of these chemicals. It's a simple, soft, and safe way to maintain your hot tub water, reducing all the harsh chemicals.

But first, let's discuss your different sanitizer options for your hot tub and what they can mean for your hot tub.

What is hot tub sanitizer?

Hot tub sanitizers are an essential part of hot tub water maintenance and a pleasant hot tub experience. People prefer different sanitizers based on personal preferences and limited choices. But the most critical factor in choosing a hot tub sanitizer is its ability to disinfect hot tub water and make it safe. 

Everyone wants to experience relaxation in their hot tub. That comes with water that is transparent and undoubtedly safe. And yet, we want the water maintenance process to be easy. And that's why O-Care helps hot tub owners create a simple water maintenance schedule that makes your water soft and safe.

What are the different sanitizers used for hot tubs?

Hot tub sanitizers are chemicals used to clean and disinfect hot tubs. The most typical hot tub sanitizers are chlorine, bromine, biguanide, and non-chlorine shock. Let's cover each one briefly.

Chlorine Sanitizer - The Most Commonly User Sanitizer

Chlorine is the most popular spa sanitizer because it kills bacteria and viruses.

It is a strong chemical that can be harmful if not used properly. Still, it ensures a safe and enjoyable experience in your hot tub when used correctly.

However, chlorine also has some drawbacks. It's a potent chemical that can be harmful if not used properly, and it can leave behind a harsh smell and taste in the water. Additionally, it can be hard to keep the right level of chlorine in the water, which can lead to safety and cleanliness concerns.

The Main Features of Chlorine Based Sanitizer:

  • Relatively low protection against protozoa
  • Lower disinfection effectiveness in turbid waters
  • Potential taste and odor objections. You can smell chlorine which, although unpleasant, is a good indicator of overdosing 
  • Must ensure quality control of the solution
  • Potential long-term effects of chlorination by-products
  • Both sanitizing and oxidizing
  • Works best within the pH range of 6.5 - 7.5 
  • 3 different types are available. If you use chlorine, you need to know the different kinds.

Bromine Sanitizer - The Best Way to Sanitize Your Water Tub

Bromine is also effective at killing bacteria and viruses, but it is less harsh on the skin than chlorine. Bromine is also less likely to cause eye irritation.

Bromine is a good choice if you're looking for an alternative to chlorine. It kills bacteria and viruses and doesn't have the harsh smell or taste that chlorine can leave behind.

However, bromine does have some drawbacks of its own. It's not as effective as chlorine against protozoa, and keeping the right bromine level in the water can be challenging. Additionally, it can be expensive to use bromine in your hot tub.

The Main Features of Bromine:

  • Both sanitizing and oxidizing
  • Works in a wide range of pH 
  • Slow reacting time
  • Distinctive smell but less intrusive 
  • Not permitted in all countries worldwide

Biguanide - Newest Hot Tub Sanitizer on the Market

Biguanide is a newer hot tub sanitizer that is effective at killing bacteria and viruses. It's a gentler sanitizer than chlorine or bromine, and it doesn't have the harsh smell or taste that chlorine can leave behind. Additionally, it is effective at killing bacteria and viruses. However, biguanide does have some drawbacks. It isn't as effective as chlorine against protozoa, and it can be challenging to keep the right level of biguanide in the water. Additionally, it can be expensive to use biguanide in your hot tub.

Main Features of Biguanide

  • Sanitizer no oxidizer
  • Less smell
  • Less effective than chlorine
  • Easier on skin
  • Higher in price 

Non-Chlorine Shock

Non-chlorine shock is used to shock the hot tub water to kill bacteria and viruses. Non-chlorine shock is a chemical used to kill bacteria and viruses in hot tubs. It is a less harsh alternative to chlorine and doesn't have the harsh smell or taste that chlorine can leave behind. Additionally, it is effective at killing bacteria and viruses.

However, non-chlorine shock does have some drawbacks. It isn't as effective as chlorine against protozoa, and keeping the right level of non-chlorine shock in the water can be difficult. Additionally, using non-chlorine shock in your hot tub can be expensive.

Main Features of Non-Chlorine Shock

  • Oxidizer, not a sanitizer
  • Require secondary sanitizer to maintain water clarity
  • Hard to measure with only test strips
  • Great to help chlorine do a better job
  • Works in a wide range of pH
  • Decreases TA level 

Tricks to get your Hot Tub Water Sparkling Clean


If you need to shock the water (quick sanitizer boost), use non-chlorine shock, a.k.a. MPS (Monopersulfate). This will oxidize organics and assist the chlorine in doing a better job. You can best add some after using the hot tub, or if you haven't used the hot tub, just add some once a week. You can add about 30-60 grams or 1-2 ounces on these occasions.

Alternative Hot Tub Sanitizers

If you dislike the chemicals found inside hot tubs, it doesn't matter. Alternative sanitizations have been popular for the past couple of years. Several other sanitizing solutions for hot tubs are safer than chlorine. Some alternatives can require additional efforts, and complexity is beyond the scope of this site.

O-Care Spa Care is the Best Compliment for Your Hot Tub sanitizers.

O-Care Spa Care is the Best Compliment for Your Hot Tub sanitizers. Hot tubs are a great way to relax after a long day or entertain guests, but they require upkeep to maintain cleanliness. Chemical sanitizers are one way to keep hot tubs clean, but they can be harsh on both skin and the environment.

O-Care hot tub sanitizers offer a safe and gentle alternative that is also effective in preventing and removing sediment. O-Care is made with natural ingredients and is pH neutral, making it easy to balance water chemistry. It is also soft on the skin and leaves no chemical smells behind. For the best results, use O-Care and other hot tub chemicals.

O-Care's Benefits:


The environment is something we should care deeply about. We all know that chemicals can irritate eyes, ears, and skin, so O-Care was made exceptionally safe for children who love going underwater!


You can feel comfy and confident knowing that your skin will be soft, moisturized, and smell nice (maybe even like a flower) without any trace of oil or fragrance, even if you have sensitive skin. The best part? No need for an after-shower routine!


Add the 2 compounds to your spa water once a week using this measuring cup included. The box will last 3-5 months!

Next steps for superior water that only hot tubs provide

At O-Care, we care about providing the best Hot Tub experience regardless of the system you use. Of course, we highly recommend enhancing your water quality and decreasing your maintenance costs by utilizing O-Care. Find your local dealer who can deliver O-Care to your doorstep.

Additional Resources to keep your hot tub clean

  1. Download the O-Care app for weekly maintenance and step-by-step problem-solving.
    1. Use our online water assistant to diagnose your water quality issues.
    2. This article covers more situations if the app didn't help solve your problem.
  2. I need to solve an underlying contamination issue in my hot tub; maybe it's biofilm?
  3. How to avoid future problems and keep your hot tub clean?
  4. What kind of sanitizers can I choose from?
  5. What is the best way to maintain my hot tub water?
  6. How to test the water in my hot tub?

FAQs about Different Sanitizers for Hot Tubs

What sanitizer should I use in my hot tub?

The best sanitizer for your hot tub depends on several factors, including the type of hot tub you have, the size of your hot tub, and your personal preferences.

Is sanitizer the same as chlorine in a hot tub?

Sanitizer is different from chlorine in a hot tub. Sanitizer kills bacteria and viruses, while chlorine is used to oxidize and disinfect. However, both sanitizers and chlorine are effective in keeping hot tubs clean.

What chemicals should I have on hand for my hot tub?

For the best results, we recommend using O-Care hot tub sanitizers in combination with other hot tub chemicals. It is soft and light than regular alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

What can I use in my hot tub other than chlorine?

Several sanitizers can be used in hot tubs, including bromine, non-chlorine shock, and ozone. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right one for your hot tub is essential.

Wrapping up this article on different sanitizers for hot tub

Maintaining a hot tub can be daunting, but keeping it clean and safe to enjoy is essential. Various sanitizers are available on the market, but which is best depends on your individual needs and preferences. In this article, we have explored some options available and provided tips for keeping your hot tub water sparkling clean.

We hope you found this article helpful. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to share tips for keeping hot tub water clean.